Wednesday, September 17, 2014

well hello there ....

Well hello world !

How does one start their first blog? how about if i start by introducing myself ; I am a stay at home mommy of a wonderful 2 1/2 year old girl , two crazy dog babies , and i am married to my awesome hubby of 6 years . Can i also say that i am incredibly addicted to makeup ! yes i am that individual who loves to read blogs and watch videos on everything makeup. I have compiled a good amount of makeup in my years of hoarding , I mean, i am in no way anywhere near the makeup gurus of the world but i feel like i have a good collection . I am starting this blog because i would love to show my love for all things lifestyle related, it doesn't necessarily have to be makeup it could be books , food, and baby goods . I hope you guys follow me on this new journey that i am beginning and i can't wait to see where it will lead us , so until next time friends .